The development of responsibility, good manners and well-honed social skills are fundamental to life at Appleford. We still adhere to ‘old fashioned’ principals of politeness and respect for others and we reinforce this through a well-developed PSHEE programme and fair systems of reward and sanctions.
Our Pastoral team is headed up by Mrs Allen and is an integral part of Appleford. The team, alongside other staff and the services of our own team of fully qualified ELSA / THRIVE practitioners and school counsellor, guide pupils who may need a little more support.
Pupils are encouraged to take on extra responsibility around the school and our Prefect system provides support for younger pupils and the acknowledgement by the school of those pupils who ‘go the extra mile’. The introduction of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, based on the ‘The Diana Anti-Bullying Award’, create a safe environment and peer support within the school community.
Our Prep and Senior School Councils meet with the Head of Pastoral Care on a half termly basis where pupils’ ideas and concerns are discussed. Our well-developed ‘Buddy’ system ensures new pupils are made to feel welcome and soon settle into Appleford life. The Tutors and Pastoral Care staff provide a compassionate and understanding point of contact for the children and, at Appleford, no concern goes unheard or unacted upon. A pastoral ‘drop-in’ provision is available to all children during breaktimes.
Appleford prides itself on its Pastoral Care, where children thrive and become confident young adults.